Though it may not be the first piece of equipment to jump to mind, the humble cable makes a massive difference in the overall sound quality of any instrument, particularly an electric guitar cable. A quality cable needs to provide the truest representation of the sound possible, without any degradation of tone or changes to the signal to noise ratio. Despite their paramount importance, many players simply aren’t educated enough on the various aspects of a cable, and as such are making uninformed purchases. We can’t stand for this, which is why we’ve put together a guide on a rather popular budget cable, the Hosa Tweed GTR-518.
Although it might be difficult to tell without a side-by-side comparison, the Hosa Tweed GTR-518 is actually quite a nice sounding cable; it passes along the signal with very little modification or degradation and delivers a reliably clean tone to the next unit. Users report very little noise while using the Hosa Tweed cables, which is fantastic for those in a studio or recording setting that need a precise, polished sound. Furthermore, the Hosa Tweed GTR-518’s are actually fairly easy to fix; any cracking or buzzing problems can typically be solved with a soldering iron and basic knowledge of electrical components (though it is worth noting this will likely violate any warranties the cable holds). Note that if your requirements are extremely high level with perfect harmonics all the way up the spectrum, this cable is not high enough quality to meet your demands. For the average guitarist, however, the Hosa Tweed should more than suit your needs.
Build Quality
One of the biggest advantages of the Hosa Tweed cables is the high quality of the cable. Simply put, these things feel solid in your hand. This is likely due to the tweed casing of the cord, which is more robust and less prone to holes and damage than the standard black rubber cables. This cable would make a fantastic selection for players that are rough on their gear or play in demanding live situations, as not only does it look nice, but it will prove itself able to handle the wear and tear. Also, as previously mentioned, it’s very durable yet simple design makes DIY repairs rather easy, meaning this cable’s lifespan can be extended for quite awhile. Overall, it’s definitely safe to say that build quality is the biggest advantage of the Hosa GTR-518’s.
Unfortunately, there aren’t too many options for players to pick through in regards to the Hosa GTR-518 line. Being a budget-grade, lower end guitar cable, these products are produced in an ultra efficient factory line, and as such players get no choices in regards to length (they’re all 18 feet long) or color. In fact, just about the only option players have is connectors. In the traditional GTR-518’s, both ends of the cable are traditional straight pegs. This is ideal for connecting to a guitar with a Stratocaster style jack, as well as interfacing with a pedal board. However, players are also given the option of the GTR-518R, which features a right angled connector on one of the sides. This is great for connecting with side jacked guitars and space efficient pedalboards. Currently there is no option for right angles on both jacks, but as soon as this becomes available, we’ll keep you posted.
It would be safe to rate the Hosa Tweed Cables as having an extremely high value, especially in comparison to other cables. The high quality of the build, impeccable sound quality, and decent level of attractiveness all combine to make this a very desirable product. This cable can likely be found lurking in most big box retailers, and easily located online. Overall, players in the market for a cheap but reliable cable would be very well advised to check out the Hosa GTR-518.