Vox VCC Vintage Coiled Guitar Cable Review

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Voc VCC Guitar Cable
In Latin, the word vox translates to voice. Voice isn’t simply limited to the spoken word though. Every instrument, every player, and every art form all have a unique voice of their own. A guitar is no exception. And since a guitar cable is integral in transmitting the voice of your guitar, it only seems fitting that the company Vox is an authority when it comes to instrument cabling. One would expect companies who make electric guitars (such as Fender) to also extend their product lines into the realm of cables, but Vox is on the other end of the equation. Vox primarily makes amps, and this experience makes them just as in tune (pun intended) if not moreso than the average guitar making company due to their broader experience in electronics. In addition, it should be noted that Vox doesn’t just make amps, they make great amps! Coming from the world of amps, the progression into cable making is natural and by extension we can trust that the cables are built to the same high standards that their amps are.


Vox’s Vintage Coiled cables use multigauge coax cable that provides optimum performance whether you are playing on a bass, electric guitar, or electric-acoustic. The core is pure copper and free of oxygen. Dual shielding is responsible for noise isolation, and the cable is jacketed in an abrasion resistant polymer to provide exceptional durability. The connectors consist of a single piece tip and are gold plated, which increases conductivity and reduces signal distortion. The cable comes in at just shy of 30 feet, although the length at any given time is shorter because the coil takes up much of the slack, leaving less cord laying around for you to trip on.


There aren’t a ton of options for the cable. It of course comes standard as a curly cable with one 90 degree connector and one straight. The only real options to choose from are the color, which consists of black and silver. The remaining color options in the swatch are a patriotic red, white, and blue.

Sound and Durability

For durability, the VCC does a lot of the work for you, since it practically coils itself when it’s time to put it away. This lends itself to a long lifespan. On the other hand, the coiled style of cable typically takes up more space than a comparable straight cable, and as such the VCC is not quite as space efficient. I view this as the main drawback. Also, the quality is high overall, so I wouldn’t worry about l wouldn’t worry about loose connectors or shorts assuming proper cable care.

As far as sound, I find that the output after passing through this cable is pleasing. Cables of this style can introduce slightly more noise than their straight counterparts based on the geometry, but Vox has used appropriate shielding to overcome this. I detect no noticeable distortion and the bass and treble both come through clean and clear. These cables are at home playing rock, jazz, blues, or any other style of music you can think of.


So overall it’s a solid cable, although the curly style is not for everyone. If it is your style, it gets my approval. In short, it has good looks, good reliability, and good performance. Can’t really ask for much more than that.

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